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we base our promise of results on experience – we know it works
these are our clients. these are their experiences.
The above photo is still one of our favorites. We believe it shows a great result, and reversal of the environmental photodamage of years past. This is a very customized treatment where we recommended a specific home-care regimen and different procedures in clinic. Results were achieved within a 6 month program. It’s not just about aesthetic benefits, it is skin health.
Our state-of-the-art equipment and revolutionary technology is so precise we can remove (and have) small lesions even from the eyelid margins, in between lashes.
Early post-procedure (less than 1 month following procedure); redness and remaining evidence of procedure heals within usually 3 months, but can (in rare cases) last up to one year in some individuals.
A colleague (in skincare). She opted for the full program with great results. Photos taken within one month post procedure.
Some of the before-and-after photos such as those above were taken within one month post procedure. The redness and some of the dots showing will continue to improve. Usually by month three these have faded entirely. Results continue to improve up to one year.
We love hearing success stories. The above photo shows an upper-eyelid lift. She was so happy, not only because of how it looks, but she also indicated that her eyelids felt so heavy she stopped reading books, and was thrilled after the procedure she started reading again!
The above photo shows great improvement after this client struggled for many years with her skin. Her skin was not tolerating anything at this point, including make up. It was quite severe. She had seen dermatologists and gone to multiple high-end skin care clinics. In this case we took her off all products and slowly introduced carefully selected products. There is much information out there, and it can be overwhelming. It is up to us to be sure products are safe, while also effective.
Repairing/strengthening the skin barrier/microbiome
With our equipment we can now remove benign lesions without leaving a scar. Redness will fade. These photos are all taken within a month post procedure.
Active acne. It is definitely manageable and it requires a commitment with following our customized treatment plans. Medications (and even over the counter products can be harmful long-term and the holistic approach in our opinion is a better option. To start addressing acne early on, will prevent further scarring. Our approach does not stop with home care and treatments. We also look at dietary changes that might be needed.
This client opted for just our Plasma light and one time treatment. Though there is a definite improvement, results could have been increased by home care and other customized treatments we offer. Photo was taken within one month and redness fades within 3 months.
This gentleman was also very pleased with his results. It’s definitely teamwork. He was very committed to the homecare, and finished his recommended treatment plan.
Acne support treatment – above photo 4 days in between treatment
Acne treatments before-and-after. Patient is still receiving ongoing treatments, but good results have been achieved so far with a reduction in inflammation and the skin is much smoother. Some remaining post-inflammatory pigmentation is present, which will be resolved.
Usually we don’t take photos this early as results can be expected after 4-6 treatments. This client saw improvement on her cheeks as well as jawline after just one treatment.